Monday, November 22, 2010

A Step by Step Tool for Top Achievers

Success doesn't mean the absence of failures;it means the attainment of ultimate objectives. It means winning the war, not every battle.  -Edwin C. Bliss

You have met people who literally wander through life. They simply accept whatever fate brings them. A few may succeed by accident, but most suffer through a lifetime of frustration and unhappiness.

This blog is not for them. They have neither the determination to succeed nor the willingness to devote the time and effort necessary to achieve success.

This blog is for you. The simple fact that you are reading this blog indicates you want to live a richer, more fulfilling life than you have now. In one sense, this blog is a construction manual. It describes the tools you will need for success, and offers blueprints to help you build a successful and rewarding life. It lists the ingredients-the principles-you will need to follow to become successful and gives you the recipe for mixing them in the correct proportions.

But above all this blog that will take you from dreaming about success to unlocking your potential for success. It will help you establish new goals, develop a new sense of purpose, and generate new ideas about yourself and your future. It will enable you, as the title suggests, to guarantee yourself a lifetime of success.

One of the purposes of my blog is to help you create an Action Plan for the rest of you life. If you have never created an Action Plan, it defines three things.
  1. What you want to achieve
  2. How you expect to achieve it
  3. When you plan to achieve it
The principles in this blog are universal. They are applicable in any situation, organization, or country.

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